Source code for infra.packages.gnu

import os
import shutil
from abc import ABCMeta
from glob import glob
from typing import Iterator, Optional, Type

from ..context import Context
from ..package import Package
from ..util import FatalError, download, require_program, run

class GNUTarPackage(Package, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    name: str
    built_path: str
    installed_path: str
    tar_compression: str

    def __init__(self, version: str):
        self.version = version

    def ident(self) -> str:
        return f"{}-{self.version}"

    def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        require_program(ctx, "tar", "required to unpack source tarfile")
        ident = f"{}-{self.version}"
        tarname = ident + ".tar." + self.tar_compression
        download(ctx, f"{}/{tarname}")
        run(ctx, ["tar", "-xf", tarname])
        shutil.move(ident, "src")

    def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        os.makedirs("obj", exist_ok=True)
        if not os.path.exists("Makefile"):
            run(ctx, ["../src/configure", "--prefix=" + self.path(ctx, "install")])
        run(ctx, ["make", f"-j{}"])

    def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        run(ctx, ["make", "install"])

    def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return os.path.exists("src")

    def is_built(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return os.path.exists("obj/" + self.built_path)

    def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return os.path.exists("install/" + self.installed_path)

[docs]class Bash(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: bash-<version> :param str version: version to download """ name = "bash" built_path = "bash" installed_path = "bin/bash" tar_compression = "gz" def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: if GNUTarPackage.is_installed(self, ctx): return True proc = run(ctx, ["bash", "--version"], allow_error=True, silent=True) return proc.returncode == 0 and "version " + self.version in proc.stdout def install_env(self, ctx: Context) -> None: super().install_env(ctx) # Bash allows functions to be defined in the environment, which leads to # incompatibility problems (e.g., on DAS-5) because syntax differs # accross versions. We preemptively remove functions from the # environment and expect build scripts to source files instead. funcvars = [var for var in os.environ if var.startswith("BASH_FUNC_")] for funcvar in funcvars: ctx.log.debug( f"removing {funcvar} from environment to avoid potential syntax errors" ) del os.environ[funcvar]
[docs]class Make(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: make-<version> :param str version: version to download """ name = "make" built_path = "make" installed_path = "bin/make" tar_compression = "gz" def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: if GNUTarPackage.is_installed(self, ctx): return True proc = run(ctx, ["make", "--version"], allow_error=True, silent=True) import io return ( proc.returncode == 0 and isinstance(proc.stdout, io.TextIOBase) and proc.stdout.startswith("GNU Make " + self.version) )
[docs]class CoreUtils(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: coreutils-<version> :param str version: version to download """ name = "coreutils" built_path = "src/yes" installed_path = "bin/yes" tar_compression = "xz"
[docs]class M4(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: m4-<version> :param str version: version to download """ name = "m4" built_path = "src/m4" installed_path = "bin/m4" tar_compression = "gz"
[docs]class AutoConf(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: autoconf-<version> :param version: version to download :param m4: M4 package """ name = "autoconf" built_path = "bin/autoconf" installed_path = "bin/autoconf" tar_compression = "gz" def __init__(self, version: str, m4: M4): self.version = version self.m4 = m4 def dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Package]: yield from super().dependencies() yield self.m4
[docs]class LibTool(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: libtool-<version> :param str version: version to download """ name = "libtool" built_path = "libtool" installed_path = "bin/libtool" tar_compression = "gz"
[docs]class AutoMake(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: automake-<version> :param version: version to download :param autoconf: autoconf package :param libtool: optional libtool package to install .m4 files from """ name = "automake" built_path = "bin/automake" installed_path = "bin/automake" tar_compression = "gz" def __init__(self, version: str, autoconf: AutoConf, libtool: Optional[LibTool]): self.version = version self.autoconf = autoconf self.libtool = libtool def dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Package]: yield from super().dependencies() yield self.autoconf if self.libtool: yield self.libtool def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None: super().install(ctx) # copy over .m4 files from libtool if self.libtool: pre = "install/share/aclocal/" for target in glob(self.libtool.path(ctx, pre + "*.m4")): link = self.path(ctx, pre + os.path.basename(target)) if os.path.exists(link): assert os.readlink(link) == target else: os.symlink(target, link)
[docs] @classmethod def default( cls: Type["AutoMake"], automake_version: str = "1.16.5", autoconf_version: str = "2.71", m4_version: str = "1.4.19", libtool_version: Optional[str] = "2.4.6", ) -> "AutoMake": """ Create a package with default versions for all autotools. :param automake_version: automake version :param autoconf_version: autoconf version :param m4_version: m4 version :param libtool_version: optional libtool version """ m4 = M4(m4_version) autoconf = AutoConf(autoconf_version, m4) libtool = LibTool(libtool_version) if libtool_version else None return cls(automake_version, autoconf, libtool)
[docs]class BinUtils(Package): """ :identifier: binutils-<version>[-gold] :param version: version to download :param gold: whether to use the gold linker """ def __init__(self, version: str, gold: bool = True): self.version = version = gold def ident(self) -> str: s = "binutils-" + self.version if s += "-gold" return s def dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Package]: yield TexInfo("6.8") def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: tarname = f"binutils-{self.version}.tar.bz2" download(ctx, "" + tarname) run(ctx, ["tar", "-xf", tarname]) shutil.move("binutils-" + self.version, "src") os.remove(tarname) def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None: os.makedirs("obj", exist_ok=True) os.chdir("obj") if not self._bison_installed(ctx): raise FatalError("bison not found (required to build binutils)") configure = [ "../src/configure", "--enable-gold", "--enable-plugins", "--disable-werror", "--prefix=" + self.path(ctx, "install"), ] # match system setting to avoid 'this linker was not configured to # use sysroots' error or failure to find if run(ctx, ["gcc", "--print-sysroot"]).stdout: configure.append("--with-sysroot") run(ctx, configure) run(ctx, ["make", f"-j{}"]) if run(ctx, ["make", f"-j{}", "all-gold"]) def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None: os.chdir("obj") run(ctx, ["make", "install"]) # replace ld with gold if os.chdir("../install/bin") os.remove("ld") shutil.copy("", "ld") def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("src") def is_built(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: ld = "gold" if else "ld" return os.path.exists(f"obj/{ld}/ld-new") def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("install/bin/ld") def _bison_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: proc = run(ctx, ["bison", "--version"], allow_error=True, silent=True) return proc.returncode == 0
class Netcat(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: netcat-<version> :param version: version to download """ name = "netcat" built_path = "src/netcat" installed_path = "bin/netcat" tar_compression = "bz2" def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: tarname = f"netcat-{self.version}.tar.bz2" url = ( "" f"/projects/netcat/files/netcat/{self.version}/{tarname}" ) download(ctx, url) run(ctx, ["tar", "-xf", tarname]) shutil.move("netcat-" + self.version, "src") os.remove(tarname) class TexInfo(GNUTarPackage): """ :identifier: texinfo-<version> :param version: version to download """ name = "texinfo" built_path = "texindex/texindex" installed_path = "bin/makeinfo" tar_compression = "gz"