API documentation


class infra.Setup(setup_path)[source]

Defines framework commands.

The setup takes care of complicated things like command-line parsing, logging, parallelism, environment setup and generating build paths. You should only need to use the methods documented here. To use the setup, you must first populate it with targets and instances using add_target() and add_instance(), and then call main() to run the command issued in the command-line arguments:

setup = infra.Setup(__file__)

main() creates a context that it passes to methods of targets/instances/packages. You can see it being used as ctx by many API methods below. The context contains setup configuration data, such as absolute build paths, and environment variables for build/run commands, such as which compiler and CFLAGS to use to build the current target. Your own targets and instances should read/write to the context.

The job of an instance is to manipulate the the context such that a target is built in the desired way. This manipulation happens in predefined API methods which you must overwrite (see below). Hence, these methods receive the context as a parameter.

Parameters:setup_path (str) – Path to the script running Setup.main(). Needed to allow build scripts to call back into the setup script for build hooks.
add_command(self, command)[source]

Register a setup command.

Parameters:command (Command) – The command to register.
Return type:None
add_instance(self, instance)[source]

Register an instance. Only registered instances can be referenced in commands, so also built-in instances must be registered.

Parameters:instance (Instance) – The instance to register.
Return type:None
add_target(self, target)[source]

Register a target. Only registered targets can be referenced in commands, so also built-in targets must be registered.

Parameters:target (Target) – The target to register.
Return type:None

Run the configured setup:

  1. Parse command-line arguments.
  2. Create build directories and log files.
  3. Run the issued command.
Return type:None


class infra.context.Context(paths, log, loglevel=0, args=<factory>, hooks=<factory>, runenv=<factory>, starttime=<factory>, target_run_wrapper='', runlog_file=None, runtee=None, jobs=8, arch='unknown', cc='cc', cxx='cxx', fc='fc', ar='ar', nm='nm', ranlib='ranlib', cflags=<factory>, cxxflags=<factory>, fcflags=<factory>, ldflags=<factory>, lib_ldflags=<factory>)[source]

The global configuration context, used by all targets, instances, etc.

For example, an instance can configure its compiler flags in this context, which are then used by targets.

Return type:None
paths = None

Absolute paths to be used (readonly) throughout the framework.

Type: context.ContextPaths

log = None

The logging object used for status updates.

Type: logging.Logger

loglevel = 0

The logging level as requested by the user.

Note that is differs from the logging object’s log level, since all debug output is written to a file regardless of the requested loglevel.

Type: int

args = None

Populated with processed command-line arguments. Targets and instances can add additional command-line arguments, which can be accessed through this object.

Type: argparse.Namespace

hooks = None

An object with hooks for various points in the building/running process.

Type: context.ContextHooks

runenv = None

Environment variables that are used when running a target.

Type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]]

starttime = None

When the current run of the infra was started.

Type: datetime.datetime

target_run_wrapper = ''

Command(s) to prepend in front of the target’s run command (executed directly on the command line). This can be set to a custom shell script, or for example perf or valgrind.

Type: str

runlog_file = None

File object used for writing all executed commands, if enabled.

Type: _io.TextIOWrapper or None

runtee = None

Object used to redirect the output of executed commands to a file and stdout.

Type: io.IOBase or None

jobs = 8

The amount of parallel jobs to use. Contains the value of the -j command-line option, defaulting to the number of CPU cores returned by multiprocessing.cpu_count().

Type: int

arch = 'unknown'

Architecture to build targets for. Initialized to platform.machine(). Valid values include x86_64 and arm64/aarch64; for more, refer to uname -m and platform.machine().

Type: str

cc = 'cc'

C compiler to use when building targets.

Type: str

cxx = 'cxx'

C++ compiler to use for building targets.

Type: str

fc = 'fc'

Fortran compiler to use for building targets.

Type: str

ar = 'ar'

Command for creating static library archives.

Type: str

nm = 'nm'

Command to read an object’s symbols.

Type: str

ranlib = 'ranlib'

Command to generate the index of an archive.

Type: str

cflags = None

C compilation flags to use when building targets.

Type: typing.List[str]

cxxflags = None

C++ compilation flags to use when building targets.

Type: typing.List[str]

fcflags = None

Fortran compilation flags to use when building targets.

Type: typing.List[str]

ldflags = None

Linker flags to use when building targets.

Type: typing.List[str]

lib_ldflags = None

Special set of linker flags set by some packages, and is passed when linking target libraries that will later be (statically) linked into the binary.

In practice it is either empty or ['-flto'] when compiling with LLVM.

Type: typing.List[str]


Make a partial deepcopy of this Context, copying only fields of type ContextPaths|list|dict.

Return type:Context
class infra.context.ContextPaths(infra, setup, workdir)[source]

Absolute, read-only, paths used throughout the infra.

Normally instances, targets, and packages do not need to consult these pathsdirectly, but instead use their respective path method.

Return type:None
infra = None

Root dir of the infra itself.

Type: str

setup = None

Path to the user’s script that invoked the infra.

Type: str

workdir = None

Working directory when the infra was started.

Type: str


Root directory, that contains the user’s script invoking the infra.


Build directory.


Directory containing all logs.


Path to the debug log.


Path to the log of all executed commands.


Build directory for packages.


Build directory for targets.


Directory containing all results of running targets.

class infra.context.ContextHooks(pre_build=<factory>, post_build=<factory>)[source]

Hooks (i.e., functions) that are executed at various stages during the building and running of targets.

Return type:None
pre_build = None

Hooks to execute before building a target.

Type: typing.List[typing.Callable]

post_build = None

Hooks to execute after a target is built.

This can be used to do additional post-processing on the generated binaries.

Type: typing.List[typing.Callable]


class infra.Target(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract base class for target definitions. Built-in derived classes are listed here.

Each target must define a name attribute that is used to reference the target on the command line. The name must be unique among all registered targets. Each target must also implement a number of methods that are called by Setup when running commands.

The build command follows the following steps for each target:

  1. It calls add_build_args() to include any custom command-line arguments for this target, and then parses the command-line arguments.
  2. It calls is_fetched() to see if the source code for this target has been downloaded yet.
  3. If is_fetched() == False, it calls fetch().
  4. It calls Instance.configure() on the instance that will be passed to build().
  5. All packages listed by dependencies() are built and installed into the environment (i.e., PATH and such are set).
  6. It calls build() to build the target binaries.
  7. If any post-build hooks are installed by the current instance, it calls binary_paths() to get paths to all built binaries. These are then passed directly to the build hooks.

For the run command:

  1. It calls add_run_args() to include any custom command-line arguments for this target.
  2. If --build was specified, it performs all build steps above.
  3. It calls Instance.prepare_run() on the instance that will be passed to run().
  4. It calls run() to run the target binaries.

For the clean command:

  1. It calls is_clean() to see if any build files exist for this target.
  2. If is_clean() == False, it calls clean().

For the report command:

  1. It calls parse_outfile() for every log file before creating the report.

Naturally, when defining your own target, all the methods listed above must have working implementations. Some implementations are optional and some have a default implementation that works for almost all cases (see docs below), but the following are mandatory to implement for each new target: is_fetched(), fetch(), build() and run().

name = None

str The target’s name, must be unique.

Type: str


Run-time statistics reported by this target. Examples include the runtime of the benchmark, its memory or CPU utilization, or benchmarks-specific measurements such as throughput and latency of requests.

The format is a dictionary mapping the name of the statistic to a (human-readable) description. For each entry, the name is looked up in the logs and saved per run.

Return type:typing.Mapping[str, str]
add_build_args(self, parser)[source]

Extend the command-line arguments for the build command with custom arguments for this target. These arguments end up in the global context, so it is a good idea to prefix them with the target name to avoid collisions with other targets and instances.

For example, SPEC2006 defines --spec2006-benchmarks (rather than --benchmarks).

Parameters:parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – the argument parser to extend
Return type:None
add_run_args(self, parser)[source]

Extend the command-line arguments for the run command with custom arguments for this target. Since only a single target can be run at a time, prefixing to avoid naming conflicts with other targets is not necessary here.

For example, SPEC2006 defines --benchmarks and --test.

Parameters:parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – the argument parser to extend
Return type:None

Specify dependencies that should be built and installed in the run environment before building this target.

Return type:typing.Iterator[infra.package.Package]
path(self, ctx, *args)[source]

Get the absolute path to the build directory of this target, optionally suffixed with a subpath.



Return type:


is_fetched(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if fetch() should be called before building.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
fetch(self, ctx)[source]

Fetches the source code for this target. This step is separated from build() because the build command first fetches all packages and targets before starting the build process.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
build(self, ctx, instance, pool=None)[source]

Build the target object files. Called some time after fetch() (see above).

ctx.runenv will have been populated with the exported environments of all packages returned by dependencies() (i.e., Package.install_env() has been called for each dependency). This means that when you call util.run() here, the programs and libraries from the dependencies are available in PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so you don’t need to reference them with absolute paths.

The build function should respect variables set in the configuration context such as ctx.cc and ctx.cflags, passing them to the underlying build system as required. Setup.ctx shows default variables in the context that should at least be respected, but complex instances may optionally overwrite them to be used by custom targets.

Any custom command-line arguments set by add_build_args() are available here in ctx.args.

If pool is defined (i.e., when --parallel is passed), the target is expected to use pool.run() instead of util.run() to invoke build commands.

Return type:


run(self, ctx, instance, pool=None)[source]

Run the target binaries. This should be done using util.run() so that ctx.runenv is used (which can be set by an instance or dependencies). It is recommended to pass teeout=True to make the output of the process stream to stdout.

Any custom command-line arguments set by add_run_args() are available here in ctx.args.

If pool is defined (i.e., when --parallel is passed), the target is expected to use pool.run() instead of util.run() to launch runs.

Implementations of this method should respect the --iterations option of the run command.

Return type:


parse_outfile(self, ctx, outfile)[source]

Callback method for commands.report.parse_logs(). Used by report command to get reportable results.

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • outfile (str) – path to outfile to parse
Return type:

typing.Iterator[typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Union[bool, int, float, str]]]


NotImplementedError – unless implemented

is_clean(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if clean() should be called before cleaning.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
clean(self, ctx)[source]

Clean generated files for this target, called by the clean command. By default, this removes build/targets/<name>.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
binary_paths(self, ctx, instance)[source]

If implemented, this should return a list of absolute paths to binaries created by build() for the given instance. This is only used if the instance specifies post-build hooks. Each hook is called for each of the returned paths.


paths to binaries

Return type:



NotImplementedError – unless implemented


class infra.Instance(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract base class for instance definitions. Built-in derived classes are listed here.

Each instance must define a name attribute that is used to reference the instance on the command line. The name must be unique among all registered instances.

An instance changes variables in the configuration context that are used to apply instrumentation while building a target by Target.build() and Target.link(). This is done by configure().

Additionally, instances that need runtime support, such as a shared library, can implement prepare_run() which is called by the run command just before running the target with Target.run().


The instance’s name, must be unique.

add_build_args(self, parser)[source]

Extend the command-line arguments for the build command with custom arguments for this instance. These arguments end up in the global context, so it is a good idea to prefix them with the instance name to avoid collisions with other instances and targets.

Use this to enable build flags for your instance on the command line, rather than having to create separate instances for every option when experimenting.

Parameters:parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – the argument parser to extend
Return type:None

Specify dependencies that should be built and installed in the run environment before building a target with this instance. Called before configure() and prepare_run().

Return type:typing.Iterator[infra.package.Package]
configure(self, ctx)[source]

Modify context variables to change how a target is built.

Typically, this would set one or more of ctx.{cc,cxx,cflags,cxxflags,ldflags,hooks.post_build}. It is recommended to use += rather than = when assigning to lists in the context to avoid undoing changes by dependencies.

Any custom command-line arguments set by add_build_args() are available here in ctx.args.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
prepare_run(self, ctx)[source]

Modify context variables to change how a target is run.

Typically, this would change ctx.runenv, e.g., by setting ctx.runenv.LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Target.run() is expected to call util.run() which will inherit the modified environment.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None


class infra.Package(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract base class for package definitions. Built-in derived classes are listed here.

Each package must define a ident() method that returns a unique ID for the package instance. This is similar to Target.name, except that each instantiation of a package can return a different ID depending on its parameters. For example a Bash package might be initialized with a version number and be identified as bash-4.1 and bash-4.3, which are different packages with different build directories.

A dependency is built in three steps:

  1. fetch() downloads the source code, typically to build/packages/<ident>/src.
  2. build() builds the code, typically in build/packages/<ident>/obj.
  3. install() installs the built binaries/libraries, typically into build/packages/<ident>/install.

The functions above are only called if is_fetched(), is_built() and is_installed() return False respectively. Additionally, if is_installed() returns True, fetching and building is skipped altogether. All these methods are abstract and thus require an implementation in a pacakge definition.

clean() removes all generated package files when the clean command is run. By default, this removes build/packages/<ident>.

The package needs to be able to install itself into ctx.runenv so that it can be used by targets/instances/packages that depend on it. This is done by install_env(), which by default adds build/packages/<ident>/install/bin to the PATH and build/packages/<ident>/install/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Finally, the setup script has a pkg-config command that prints package information such as the installation prefix of compilation flags required to build software that uses the package. These options are configured by pkg_config_options().


Returns a unique identifier to this package instantiation.

Two packages are considered identical if their identifiers are equal. This means that if multiple targets/instances/packages return different instantiations of a package as dependency that share the same identifier, they are assumed to be equal and only the first will be built. This way, different implementations of dependencies() can instantiate the same class in order to share a dependency.

Return type:str

Specify dependencies that should be built and installed in the run environment before building this package.

Return type:typing.Iterator[ForwardRef(‘Package’)]
is_fetched(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if fetch() should be called before building.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
is_built(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if build() should be called before installing.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
is_installed(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if the pacakge has not been installed yet, and thus needs to be fetched, built and installed.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
fetch(self, ctx)[source]

Fetches the source code for this package. This step is separated from build() because the build command first fetches all packages and targets before starting the build process.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
build(self, ctx)[source]

Build the package. Usually amounts to running make -j<ctx.jobs> using util.run().

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
install(self, ctx)[source]

Install the package. Usually amounts to running make install using util.run(). It is recommended to install to self.path(ctx, 'install'), which results in build/packages/<ident>/install. Assuming that a bin and/or lib directories are generated in the install directory, the default behaviour of install_env() will automatically add those to [LD_LIBRARY_]PATH.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
is_clean(self, ctx)[source]

Returns True if clean() should be called before cleaning.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:bool
clean(self, ctx)[source]

Clean generated files for this target, called by the clean command. By default, this removes build/packages/<ident>.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
path(self, ctx, *args)[source]

Get the absolute path to the build directory of this package, optionally suffixed with a subpath.



Return type:


install_env(self, ctx)[source]

Install the package into ctx.runenv so that it can be used in subsequent calls to util.run(). By default, it adds build/packages/<ident>/install/bin to the PATH and build/packages/<ident>/install/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (but only if the directories exist).

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:None
pkg_config_options(self, ctx)[source]

Yield options for the pkg-config command. Each option is an (option, description, value) triple. The defaults are --root which returns the root directory build/packages/<ident>, and --prefix which returns the install directory populated by install(): build/packages/<ident>/install.

When reimplementing this method in a derived package class, it is recommended to end the implementation with yield from super().pkg_config_options(ctx) to add the two default options.

Parameters:ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
Return type:typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str]]]]

Utility functions

infra.util.add_cflag(ctx, flag)[source]

Add flag to ctx.cflags if new

Return type:None
infra.util.add_cxxflag(ctx, flag)[source]

Add flag to ctx.cxxflags if new

Return type:None
infra.util.add_c_cxxflag(ctx, flag)[source]

Add a flag both to ctx.cflags & ctx.cxxflags if new

Return type:None
infra.util.add_ldflag(ctx, flag)[source]

Add flag to ctx.ldflags if new

Return type:None
infra.util.add_lib_ldflag(ctx, flag, also_ldflag=False)[source]

Add flag to ctx.lib_ldflags if new

Return type:None
class infra.util.Index(thing_name)[source]
Return type:typing.KeysView[str]
Return type:typing.ValuesView[~T]
Return type:typing.ItemsView[str, ~T]
class infra.util.LazyIndex(thing_name, find_value)[source]
exception infra.util.FatalError[source]

Raised for errors that should stop the execution immediately, but do not need a backtrace. Results in only the exception message being logged. This typically means there is an error in the user input, rather than in the code that raises the error.

infra.util.apply_patch(ctx, path, strip_count)[source]

Applies a patch in the current directory by calling patch -p<strip_count> < <path>.

Afterwards, a stamp file called .patched-<basename> is created to indicate that the patch has been applied. If the stamp file is already present, the patch is not applied at all. <basename> is generated from the patch file name: path/to/my-patch.patch becomes my-patch.

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • path (str) – path to the patch file
  • strip_count (int) – number of leading elements to strip from patch paths

True if the patch was applied, False if it was already applied before

Return type:


class infra.util.Process(proc, cmd_str, teeout, stdout_override=None)[source]
Return type:None
infra.util.run(ctx, cmd, allow_error=False, silent=False, teeout=False, defer=False, env={}, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for subprocess.run() that does environment/output logging and provides a few useful options. The log file is build/log/commands.txt. Where possible, use this wrapper in favor of subprocess.run() to facilitate easier debugging.

It is useful to permanently have a terminal window open running tail -f build/log/commands.txt, This way, command output is available in case of errors but does not clobber the setup’s progress log.

The run environment is based on os.environ, first adding ctx.runenv (populated by packages/instances, see also Setup) and then the env parameter. The combination of ctx.runenv and env is logged to the log file. Any lists of strings in environment values are joined with a ‘:’ separator.

If the command exits with a non-zero status code, the corresponding output is logged to the command line and the process is killed with sys.exit(-1).

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • cmd (str or typing.Iterable[typing.Any]) – command to run, can be a string or a list of strings like in subprocess.run()
  • allow_error (bool) – avoids calling sys.exit(-1) if the command returns an error
  • silent (bool) – disables output logging (only logs the invocation and environment)
  • teeout (bool) – streams command output to sys.stdout as well as to the log file
  • defer (bool) – Do not wait for the command to finish. Similar to ./program & in Bash. Returns a subprocess.Popen instance.
  • env (typing.Mapping[str, typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]]) – variables to add to the environment
  • kwargs (Any) – passed directly to subprocess.run() (or subprocess.Popen if defer==True)

a handle to the completed or running process

Return type:



Join the command-line arguments to a single string to make it safe to pass to paste in a shell. Basically this adds quotes to each element containing spaces (uses shlex.quote()). Arguments are stringified by str before joining.

Parameters:args (typing.Iterable[typing.Any]) – arguments to join
Return type:str
infra.util.download(ctx, url, outfile=None)[source]

Download a file (logs to the debug log).

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • url (str) – URL to the file to download
  • outfile (str or None) – optional path/filename to download to
Return type:


infra.util.require_program(ctx, name, error=None)[source]

Require a program to be available in PATH or ctx.runenv.PATH.

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • name (str) – name of required program
  • error (str or None) – optional error message
Return type:



FatalError – if program is not found

infra.util.untar(ctx, tarname, dest=None, *, remove=True, basename=None)[source]

TODO: docs

Return type:None
class infra.parallel.Pool(logger, parallelmax)[source]

A pool is used to run processes in parallel as jobs when --parallel is specified on the command line. The pool is created automatically by Setup and passed to Target.build() and Target.run(). However, the pool is only passed if the method implementation defines a parameter for the pool, i.e.:

class MyTarget(Target):
    def build(self, ctx, instance, pool): # receives Pool instance
    def run(self, ctx, instance):         # does not receive it

The maximum number of parallel jobs is controlled by --parallelmax. For --parallel=proc this is simply the number of parallel processes on the current machine. For --parallel=prun it is the maximum number of simultaneous jobs in the job queue (pending or running).

  • logger (logging.Logger) – logging object for status updates (set to ctx.log)
  • parallelmax (int) – value of --parallelmax

Block (busy-wait) until all jobs in the queue have been completed. Called automatically by Setup after the build and run commands.

Return type:None
run(self, ctx, cmd, jobid, outfile, nnodes, onsuccess=None, onerror=None, **kwargs)[source]

A non-blocking wrapper for util.run(), to be used when --parallel is specified.

  • ctx (context.Context) – the configuration context
  • cmd (str or typing.Iterable[str]) – the command to run
  • jobid (str) – a human-readable ID for status reporting
  • outfile (str) – full path to target file for command output
  • nnodes (int) – number of cores or machines to run the command on
  • onsuccess (typing.Callable[[infra.parallel.Job], NoneType] or None) – callback when the job finishes successfully
  • onerror (typing.Callable[[infra.parallel.Job], NoneType] or None) – callback when the job exits with (typically I/O) error
  • kwargs (Any) – passed directly to util.run()

handles to created job processes

Return type:
