Source code for infra.packages.llvm

import os
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional

from ...context import Context
from ...package import Package
from ...util import apply_patch, download, run
from ..cmake import CMake
from ..gnu import AutoMake, Bash, BinUtils, CoreUtils, Make
from import Ninja

[docs]class LLVM(Package): """ LLVM dependency package. Includes the Clang compiler and optionally `compiler-rt <>`_ (which contains runtime support for ASan). Supports a number of patches to be passed as arguments, which are :func:`applied <util.apply_patch>` (with ``patch -p1``) before building. A patch in the list can either be a full path to a patch file, or the name of a built-in patch. Available built-in patches are: - **gold-plugins** (for 3.8.0/3.9.1/4.0.0/5.0.0/7.0.0): adds a ``-load`` option to load passes from a shared object file during link-time optimizations, best used in combination with :class:`LLVMPasses` - **statsfilter** (for 3.8.0/3.9.1/5.0.0/7.0.0): adds ``-stats-only`` option, which relates to ``-stats`` like ``-debug-only`` relates to ``-debug`` - **lto-nodiscard-value-names** (for 7.0.0): preserves value names when producing bitcode for LTO, this is very useful when debugging passes - **safestack** (for 3.8.0): adds ``-fsanitize=safestack`` for old LLVM - **compiler-rt-typefix** (for 4.0.0): fixes a compiler-rt-4.0.0 bug to make it compile for recent glibc, is applied automatically if ``compiler_rt`` is set :identifier: llvm-<version> :param version: the full LLVM version to download, like X.Y.Z :param compiler_rt: whether to enable compiler-rt :param patches: optional patches to apply before building :param build_flags: additional `build flags <>`_ to pass to cmake """ # supported_versions = ('3.8.0', '3.9.1', '4.0.0', '5.0.0') binutils = BinUtils("2.38", gold=True) def __init__( self, version: str, compiler_rt: bool, commit: Optional[str] = None, lld: bool = False, patches: List[str] = [], build_flags: List[str] = [], ): # if version not in self.supported_versions: # raise FatalError('LLVM version must be one of %s' % # '/'.join(self.supported_versions)) self.version = version self.compiler_rt = compiler_rt self.lld = lld self.patches = patches self.build_flags = build_flags self.commit = commit if compiler_rt and version == "4.0.0": patches.append("compiler-rt-typefix") def ident(self) -> str: suffix = "-lld" if self.lld else "" return "llvm-" + self.version + suffix def dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Package]: # TODO: prune these yield Bash("4.3") yield CoreUtils("9.1") yield self.binutils yield Make("4.3") yield AutoMake.default() yield CMake("3.16.3") yield Ninja("1.8.2") def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: if self.commit is not None: run( ctx, ["git", "clone", "", "src"] ) os.chdir("src") run(ctx, ["git", "checkout", self.commit]) return def get(repo: str, clonedir: str) -> None: basedir = os.path.dirname(clonedir) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) # url = '' % repo # run(ctx, ['svn', 'co', '-r' + ctx.params.commit, url, clonedir]) dirname = f"{repo}-{self.version}.src" tarname = f"{dirname}.tar.xz" major_version = int(self.version.split(".")[0]) if major_version >= 8: # use github now url_prefix = "" download(ctx, f"{url_prefix}/llvmorg-{self.version}/{tarname}") else: download(ctx, f"{self.version}/{tarname}") run(ctx, ["tar", "-xf", tarname]) shutil.move(dirname, clonedir) os.remove(tarname) major_version = int(self.version.split(".")[0]) # starting with 9.0.1 the llvm-project is available completely # specifically with 15+ the separate tarballs are pretty broken if major_version >= 9: get("llvm-project", "src") else: # download and unpack sources get("llvm", "src") if major_version >= 8: get("clang", "src/tools/clang") else: get("cfe", "src/tools/clang") if self.compiler_rt: get("compiler-rt", "src/projects/compiler-rt") if self.lld: get("lld", "src/projects/lld") def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None: major_version = int(self.version.split(".")[0]) # TODO: verify that any applied patches are in self.patches, error # otherwise # apply patches from the directory this file is in # do this in build() instead of fetch() to make sure patches are applied # with --force-rebuild os.chdir("src") config_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) for path in self.patches: original_dir = None if isinstance(path, tuple): # if path is a tuple then you can specify the directory to apply the # path to at index 0 and the actual path at index 1 # e.g. ('llvm', 'patches/LLVM-uniqueptr-fix.patch')) original_dir = os.getcwd() patch_dir, path = path os.chdir(patch_dir) if "/" not in path: path = f"{config_path}/{path}-{self.version}.patch" apply_patch(ctx, path, 1) if original_dir: os.chdir(original_dir) os.chdir("..") os.makedirs("obj", exist_ok=True) os.chdir("obj") if self.commit or major_version >= 9: projects = ["clang"] if self.lld: projects.append("lld") runtimes = [] if self.compiler_rt: runtimes.append("compiler-rt") run( ctx, [ "cmake", "-G", "Ninja", "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=" + self.path(ctx, "install"), "-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=" + self.binutils.path(ctx, "install/include"), f"-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS={','.join(projects)}", f"-DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES={','.join(runtimes)}", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", "-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On", "-DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=On", "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc", # must be the same as used for compiling passes "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++", *self.build_flags, "../src/llvm", ], ) else: run( ctx, [ "cmake", "-G", "Ninja", "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=" + self.path(ctx, "install"), "-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=" + self.binutils.path(ctx, "install/include"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", "-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On", "-DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=On", "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc", # must be the same as used for compiling passes "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++", *self.build_flags, "../src", ], ) run(ctx, f"cmake --build . -- -j {}") def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None: os.chdir("obj") run(ctx, "cmake --build . --target install") def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("src") def is_built(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("obj/bin/llvm-config") def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: if not self.patches: # allow preinstalled LLVM if version matches # TODO: do fuzzy matching on version? proc = run(ctx, "llvm-config --version", allow_error=True) if proc and proc.returncode == 0: installed_version = proc.stdout.strip() if installed_version == self.version: return True else: ctx.log.debug( f"installed llvm-config version {installed_version} " f"is different from required {self.version}" ) return os.path.exists("install/bin/llvm-config")
[docs] def configure(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """ Set LLVM toolchain programs in **ctx**. Should be called from the ``configure`` method of an instance. :param ctx: the configuration context """ = "clang" ctx.cxx = "clang++" = "llvm-ar" ctx.nm = "llvm-nm" ctx.ranlib = "llvm-ranlib" ctx.cflags = [] ctx.cxxflags = [] ctx.ldflags = []
[docs] @staticmethod def add_plugin_flags( ctx: Context, *flags: Iterable[str], gold_passes: bool = True ) -> None: """ Helper to pass link-time flags to the LLVM gold plugin. Prefixes all **flags** with ``-Wl,-plugin-opt=`` before adding them to ``ctx.ldflags``. :param ctx: the configuration context :param flags: flags to pass to the gold plugin """ for flag in flags: if gold_passes: ctx.ldflags.append("-Wl,-plugin-opt=" + str(flag)) else: ctx.ldflags.append("-Wl,-mllvm=" + str(flag))
@dataclass class LLVMBinDist(Package): """ LLVM + Clang binary distribution package. Fetches and extracts a tarfile from :identifier: llvm-<version> :param version: the full LLVM version to download, like X.Y.Z :param target: target machine in tarfile name, e.g., "x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.10" :param suffix: if nonempty, create {clang,clang++,opt,llvm-config}<suffix> binaries """ version: str target: str bin_suffix: str def ident(self) -> str: return "llvmbin-" + self.version def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("src") def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: ident = f"clang+llvm-{self.version}-{}" tarname = ident + ".tar.xz" download(ctx, f"{self.version}/{tarname}") run(ctx, ["tar", "-xf", tarname]) shutil.move(ident, "src") os.remove(tarname) def is_built(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return True def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None: pass def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists("install") def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None: shutil.move("src", "install") os.chdir("install/bin") if self.bin_suffix: for src in ("clang", "clang++", "opt", "llvm-config"): tgt = src + self.bin_suffix if os.path.exists(src) and not os.path.exists(tgt): ctx.log.debug(f"creating symlink {tgt} -> {src}") os.symlink(src, tgt)