Source code for

import os
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from os.path import exists, join
from typing import Iterator, List, Mapping

from import parse_results
from ..context import Context
from ..package import Package, PkgConfigOption
from ..util import FatalError, ResultDict, run

class Tool(Package, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    name: str
    built: List[str]
    installed: List[str]

    def ident(self) -> str:

    def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None:

    def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        self._run_make(ctx, f"-j{}")

    def install(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        self._run_make(ctx, "install")

    def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return True

    def is_built(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return all(exists(join("obj", f)) for f in self.built)

    def is_installed(self, ctx: Context) -> bool:
        return all(exists(join("install", f)) for f in self.installed)

    def _srcpath(self, ctx: Context, *args: str) -> str:
        return join(ctx.paths.infra, "tools",, *args)

    def _run_make(self, ctx: Context, *args: str) -> None:
                "OBJDIR=" + self.path(ctx, "obj"),
                "INSTALLDIR=" + self.path(ctx, "install"),

class ReportableTool(Tool):
    Tool that adds reportable run-time statistics.

    For example, a wrapper program, or a static library linked into the target.

    Tools that derive from this class must specify all fields that may be
    reported at runtime. By default logfiles are parsed using
    :func:`parse_results`, searching for the section name corresponding to


    def reportable_fields() -> Mapping[str, str]:

    def parse_results(
        cls, ctx: Context, path: str, allow_missing: bool = True
    ) -> ResultDict:
        Parse any results containing counters by this package.

        :param ctx: the configuration context
        :param path: path to file to parse
        :returns: counter results
        all_results = list(parse_results(ctx, path,
        if not all_results:
            if allow_missing:
                return {}
                raise FatalError(
                    "Failure while parsing results: required "
                    f"reporter {} is missing from logs "
                    f"at {path}."

        aggregated_results: ResultDict = {}
        for results in all_results:
            for counter, value in results.items():
                assert isinstance(value, (int, float))
                aggrval = aggregated_results.get(counter, 0)
                assert isinstance(aggrval, (int, float))
                aggrval += value
                aggregated_results[counter] = aggrval

        return aggregated_results

[docs]class Nothp(Tool): """ :identifier: nothp """ name = "nothp" built = ["nothp"] installed = ["bin/nothp"]
[docs]class RusageCounters(ReportableTool): """ Utility library for targets that want to measure resource counters: - memory (max resident set size) - page faults - I/O operations - context switches - runtime (esimated by gettimeofday in constructor+destructor) The target only needs to depend on this package and :func:`configure` it to link the static library which will then log a reportable result in a destructor. See :class:`SPEC2006` for a usage example. :identifier: rusage-counters """ name = "rusage-counters" built = ["librusagecounters.a"] installed = ["lib/librusagecounters.a"] @staticmethod def reportable_fields() -> Mapping[str, str]: return { "maxrss": "peak resident set size in KB", "page_faults": "number of page faults", "io_operations": "number of I/O operations", "context_switches": "number of context switches", "estimated_runtime": ( "benchmark runtime in seconds estimated by " "rusage-counters constructor/destructor" ), }
[docs] @classmethod def parse_results( cls, ctx: Context, path: str, allow_missing: bool = False ) -> ResultDict: return super().parse_results(ctx, path, allow_missing)
[docs] def configure(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """ Set build/link flags in **ctx**. Should be called from the ``build`` method of a target to link in the static library. :param ctx: the configuration context """ ctx.ldflags += [ "-L" + self.path(ctx, "install", "lib"), "-Wl,--whole-archive", "-l:librusagecounters.a", "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", ]
[docs] def pkg_config_options(self, ctx: Context) -> Iterator[PkgConfigOption]: yield ( "--includes", "include path for reporting helpers", ["-I", self._srcpath(ctx)], ) yield from super().pkg_config_options(ctx)