Source code for infra.setup

import argparse
import datetime
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import traceback
from typing import List

from . import commands
from .command import Command, get_deps
from .context import Context, ContextPaths
from .instance import Instance
from .package import Package
from .target import Target
from .util import FatalError, Index, LazyIndex

# disable .pyc file generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

[docs]class Setup: """ Defines framework commands. The setup takes care of complicated things like command-line parsing, logging, parallelism, environment setup and generating build paths. You should only need to use the methods documented here. To use the setup, you must first populate it with targets and instances using :func:`add_target` and :func:`add_instance`, and then call :func:`main` to run the command issued in the command-line arguments: .. _setup-example: :: setup = infra.Setup(__file__) setup.add_instance(MyAwesomeInstance()) setup.add_target(MyBeautifulTarget()) setup.main() :func:`main` creates a :class:`context <context.Context>` that it passes to methods of targets/instances/packages. You can see it being used as ``ctx`` by many API methods below. The context contains setup configuration data, such as absolute build paths, and environment variables for build/run commands, such as which compiler and CFLAGS to use to build the current target. Your own targets and instances should read/write to the context. **The job of an instance is to manipulate the the context such that a target is built in the desired way.** This manipulation happens in predefined API methods which you must overwrite (see below). Hence, these methods receive the context as a parameter. """ ctx: Context instances: Index[Instance] targets: Index[Target] commands: Index[Command] _max_default_jobs = 64 def __init__(self, setup_path: str): """ :param setup_path: Path to the script running :func:`Setup.main`. Needed to allow build scripts to call back into the setup script for build hooks. """ self.instances = Index("instance") self.targets = Index("target") self.commands = Index("command") self.packages = LazyIndex("package", self._find_package) logger = logging.getLogger("autosetup") infra_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) setup_path = os.path.abspath(setup_path) workdir = os.getcwd() paths = ContextPaths(infra_path, setup_path, workdir) self.ctx = Context(paths, logger) self.ctx.arch = platform.machine() def _parse_argv(self) -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Frontend for building/running instrumented benchmarks." ) # global options parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", default="info", choices=["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"], help="set logging verbosity (default info)", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", metavar="COMMAND", dest="command", description=( 'run with "<command> --help" to see options for individual commands' ), ) subparsers.required = True for name, command in self.commands.items(): subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=command.description) command.add_args(subparser) # enable bash autocompletion if supported try: import argcomplete # use a custom completer that moves non-positional options to the # end of the completion list, and excludes --help class MyCompleter(argcomplete.finders.CompletionFinder): def filter_completions(self, completions: List[str]) -> List[str]: completions = super().filter_completions(completions) if completions: for i, value in enumerate(completions): if not value.startswith("-"): return completions[i:] + completions[:i] return completions silent_commands = [ for c in self.commands.values() if c.description is None ] MyCompleter()(parser, exclude=["--help"] + silent_commands) except ImportError: self.ctx.log.warning("Failed to set Python command-line autocompletion") self.ctx.args = parser.parse_args() if "jobs" in self.ctx.args: = def _create_dirs(self) -> None: os.makedirs(self.ctx.paths.log, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.ctx.paths.packages, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.ctx.paths.targets, exist_ok=True) def _initialize_logger(self) -> None: fmt = "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s" datefmt = "%H:%M:%S" log = self.ctx.log log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.propagate = False self.ctx.loglevel = getattr(logging, self.ctx.args.verbosity.upper()) termlog = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) termlog.setLevel(self.ctx.loglevel) termlog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt)) log.addHandler(termlog) # always write debug log to file debuglog = logging.FileHandler(self.ctx.paths.debuglog, mode="w") debuglog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) debuglog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt, "%Y-%m-%d " + datefmt)) log.addHandler(debuglog) # colorize log if supported try: import coloredlogs coloredlogs.install( logger=log, fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt, level=termlog.level ) except ImportError: pass
[docs] def add_command(self, command: Command) -> None: """ Register a setup command. :param command: The command to register. """ self.commands[] = command command.instances = self.instances command.targets = self.targets command.packages = self.packages
[docs] def add_instance(self, instance: Instance) -> None: """ Register an instance. Only registered instances can be referenced in commands, so also :doc:`built-in instances <instances>` must be registered. :param instance: The instance to register. """ if not isinstance(, str): raise TypeError("Instance must have name of type str.") self.instances[] = instance
[docs] def add_target(self, target: Target) -> None: """ Register a target. Only registered targets can be referenced in commands, so also :doc:`built-in targets <targets>` must be registered. :param target: The target to register. """ if not isinstance(, str): raise TypeError("Target must have name of type str.") self.targets[] = target
def _find_package(self, name: str) -> Package: for package in get_deps(*self.targets.all(), *self.instances.all()): if package.ident() == name: return package raise ValueError(f"Unknown package {name}") def _run_command(self) -> None: try: self.commands[self.ctx.args.command].run(self.ctx) except FatalError as e: self.ctx.log.error(str(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.ctx.log.warning("exiting because of keyboard interrupt") except Exception: self.ctx.log.critical("unknown error\n" + traceback.format_exc().rstrip())
[docs] def main(self) -> None: """ Run the configured setup: #. Parse command-line arguments. #. Create build directories and log files. #. Run the issued command. """ self.ctx.starttime = self.add_command(commands.BuildCommand()) self.add_command(commands.PkgBuildCommand()) self.add_command(commands.RunCommand()) self.add_command(commands.ReportCommand()) self.add_command(commands.CleanCommand()) self.add_command(commands.ConfigCommand()) self.add_command(commands.PkgConfigCommand()) self.add_command(commands.ExecHookCommand()) self._parse_argv() self._create_dirs() self._initialize_logger() self._run_command()