Source code for

import argparse
import os
import shutil
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Optional

from .context import Context
from .instance import Instance
from .package import Package
from .parallel import Pool
from .util import ResultDict

[docs]class Target(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for target definitions. Built-in derived classes are listed :doc:`here <targets>`. Each target must define a :py:attr:`name` attribute that is used to reference the target on the command line. The name must be unique among all registered targets. Each target must also implement a number of methods that are called by :class:`Setup` when running commands. The :ref:`build <usage-build>` command follows the following steps for each target: #. It calls :func:`add_build_args` to include any custom command-line arguments for this target, and then parses the command-line arguments. #. It calls :func:`is_fetched` to see if the source code for this target has been downloaded yet. #. If ``is_fetched() == False``, it calls :func:`fetch`. #. It calls :func:`Instance.configure` on the instance that will be passed to :func:`build`. #. All packages listed by :func:`dependencies` are built and installed into the environment (i.e., ``PATH`` and such are set). #. It calls :func:`build` to build the target binaries. #. If any post-build hooks are installed by the current instance, it calls :func:`binary_paths` to get paths to all built binaries. These are then passed directly to the build hooks. For the :ref:`run <usage-run>` command: #. It calls :func:`add_run_args` to include any custom command-line arguments for this target. #. If ``--build`` was specified, it performs all build steps above. #. It calls :func:`Instance.prepare_run` on the instance that will be passed to :func:`run`. #. It calls :func:`run` to run the target binaries. For the :ref:`clean <usage-clean>` command: #. It calls :func:`is_clean` to see if any build files exist for this target. #. If ``is_clean() == False``, it calls :func:`clean`. For the :ref:`report <usage-report>` command: #. It calls :func:`parse_outfile` for every log file before creating the report. Naturally, when defining your own target, all the methods listed above must have working implementations. Some implementations are optional and some have a default implementation that works for almost all cases (see docs below), but the following are mandatory to implement for each new target: :func:`is_fetched`, :func:`fetch`, :func:`build` and :func:`run`. """ #: :class:`str` The target's name, must be unique. name: str #: :class:`str` The default reportable field to group by when # aggregating results. aggregation_field: str = "" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash("target-" +
[docs] def reportable_fields(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """ Run-time statistics reported by this target. Examples include the runtime of the benchmark, its memory or CPU utilization, or benchmarks-specific measurements such as throughput and latency of requests. The format is a dictionary mapping the name of the statistic to a (human-readable) description. For each entry, the name is looked up in the logs and saved per run. """ return {}
[docs] def add_build_args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Extend the command-line arguments for the :ref:`build <usage-build>` command with custom arguments for this target. These arguments end up in the global context, so it is a good idea to prefix them with the target name to avoid collisions with other targets and instances. For example, :class:`SPEC2006 <targets.SPEC2006>` defines ``--spec2006-benchmarks`` (rather than ``--benchmarks``). :param parser: the argument parser to extend """ pass
[docs] def add_run_args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Extend the command-line arguments for the :ref:`run <usage-run>` command with custom arguments for this target. Since only a single target can be run at a time, prefixing to avoid naming conflicts with other targets is not necessary here. For example, :class:`SPEC2006 <targets.SPEC2006>` defines ``--benchmarks`` and ``--test``. :param parser: the argument parser to extend """ pass
[docs] def dependencies(self) -> Iterator[Package]: """ Specify dependencies that should be built and installed in the run environment before building this target. """ yield from []
[docs] def path(self, ctx: Context, *args: str) -> str: """ Get the absolute path to the build directory of this target, optionally suffixed with a subpath. :param ctx: the configuration context :param args: additional subpath to pass to :func:`os.path.join` :returns: ``build/targets/<name>[/<subpath>]`` """ return os.path.join(ctx.paths.targets,, *args)
def goto_rootdir(self, ctx: Context) -> None: path = self.path(ctx) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(path)
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if :func:`fetch` should be called before building. :param ctx: the configuration context """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """ Fetches the source code for this target. This step is separated from :func:`build` because the ``build`` command first fetches all packages and targets before starting the build process. :param ctx: the configuration context """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def build( self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> None: """ Build the target object files. Called some time after :func:`fetch` (see :class:`above <Target>`). ``ctx.runenv`` will have been populated with the exported environments of all packages returned by :func:`dependencies` (i.e., :func:`Package.install_env` has been called for each dependency). This means that when you call :func:`` here, the programs and libraries from the dependencies are available in ``PATH`` and ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``, so you don't need to reference them with absolute paths. The build function should respect variables set in the configuration context such as ```` and ``ctx.cflags``, passing them to the underlying build system as required. :py:attr:`Setup.ctx` shows default variables in the context that should at least be respected, but complex instances may optionally overwrite them to be used by custom targets. Any custom command-line arguments set by :func:`add_build_args` are available here in ``ctx.args``. If ``pool`` is defined (i.e., when ``--parallel`` is passed), the target is expected to use :func:` <>` instead of :func:`` to invoke build commands. :param ctx: the configuration context :param instance: instance to build :param pool: parallel process pool if ``--parallel`` is specified """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def run( self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> None: """ Run the target binaries. This should be done using :func:`` so that ``ctx.runenv`` is used (which can be set by an instance or dependencies). It is recommended to pass ``teeout=True`` to make the output of the process stream to ``stdout``. Any custom command-line arguments set by :func:`add_run_args` are available here in ``ctx.args``. If ``pool`` is defined (i.e., when ``--parallel`` is passed), the target is expected to use :func:` <>` instead of :func:`` to launch runs. Implementations of this method should respect the ``--iterations`` option of the run command. :param ctx: the configuration context :param instance: instance to run :param pool: parallel process pool if ``--parallel`` is specified """ pass
[docs] def parse_outfile(self, ctx: Context, outfile: str) -> Iterator[ResultDict]: """ Callback method for :func:``. Used by report command to get reportable results. :param ctx: the configuration context :param outfile: path to outfile to parse :raises NotImplementedError: unless implemented """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def is_clean(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if :func:`clean` should be called before cleaning. :param ctx: the configuration context """ return not os.path.exists(self.path(ctx))
[docs] def clean(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """ Clean generated files for this target, called by the :ref:`clean <usage-clean>` command. By default, this removes ``build/targets/<name>``. :param ctx: the configuration context """ shutil.rmtree(self.path(ctx))
[docs] def binary_paths(self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance) -> Iterable[str]: """ If implemented, this should return a list of absolute paths to binaries created by :func:`build` for the given instance. This is only used if the instance specifies post-build hooks. Each hook is called for each of the returned paths. :param ctx: the configuration context :param instance: instance to get paths for :returns: paths to binaries :raises NotImplementedError: unless implemented """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
def run_hooks_pre_build(self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance) -> None: if ctx.hooks.pre_build: self.goto_rootdir(ctx) # Run hooks in target root for hook in ctx.hooks.pre_build:"Running pre-build hook {hook} in {self.path(ctx)}") hook(ctx, self.path(ctx)) def run_hooks_post_build(self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance) -> None: if ctx.hooks.post_build: for binary in self.binary_paths(ctx, instance): absbin = os.path.abspath(binary) basedir = os.path.dirname(absbin) for hook in ctx.hooks.post_build: f"Running post-build hook {hook} on {absbin} in {basedir}" ) os.chdir(basedir) hook(ctx, absbin)