Source code for infra.targets.juliet

import argparse
import os
import re
import shutil
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

from ..context import Context
from ..instance import Instance
from ..parallel import Pool
from import Target
from ..util import download, run

[docs]class Juliet(Target): """ The `Juliet Test Suite for C/C++ <>`_. This test suite contains a large amount of programs, categorized by vulnerability type (CWE). Most programs include both a "good" and "bad" version, where the good version should succeed (no bug) whereas the bad version should be detected by the applied mitigation. In other words, the good version tests for false positives, and the bad version for false negatives. The ``--cwe`` command-line argument specifies which CWEs to build and/or run, and can be a CWE-ID (``416`` or ``CWE416``) or an alias (e.g., ``uaf``). A mix of CWE-IDs and aliases is allowed. The Juliet suite contains multiple *flow variants* per test case. These are different control-flows in the program, that in the end all arrive at the same bug. This is only relevant for static analysis tools, and for run-time mitigations these are unsuitable. In particular, some flow variants (e.g., 12) do not (always) trigger or reach the bug at runtime. Therefore, by default only flow variant 01 is used, but others can be specified with the ``--variants`` command-line argument. By default, a good test is counted as successful (true negative) if its returncode is 0, and a bad test is counted as successful (true positive) if its returncode is non-zero. The latter behavior can be fine-tuned via the ``mitigation_return_code`` argument to this class, which can be set to match the returncode of the mitigation. Each test receives a fixed string to stdin. Tests that are based on sockets are currently not supported, as this requires running two tests at the same time (a client and a server). Tests can be built in parallel (using ``--parallel=proc``), since this process might take a while when multiple CWEs or variants are selected. Running tests in parallel is not supported (yet). :name: juliet :param mitigation_return_code: Return code the mitigation exits with, to distinguish true positives for the bad version of testcases. If ``None``, any non-zero value is considered a success. """ name = "juliet" aggregation_field = "cwe" zip_name = "" def __init__(self, mitigation_return_code: Optional[int] = None): self.mitigation_return_code = mitigation_return_code def add_build_args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "--cwe", required=True, nargs="+", help="which CWE to build" ) parser.add_argument( "--variants", nargs="+", type=int, default=[1], help="which flow variants to build", ) def add_run_args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument("--cwe", required=True, nargs="+", help="which CWE to run") parser.add_argument( "--variants", nargs="+", type=int, default=[1], help="which flow variants to build", ) @staticmethod def parse_cwe_list(cwe_list: List[str]) -> List[str]: aliases = {} aliases["buffer-overflow"] = [ "CWE121", "CWE122", "CWE124", "CWE126", "CWE127", "CWE680", ] aliases["spatial"] = aliases["buffer-overflow"] + ["CWE123"] aliases["double-free"] = ["CWE415"] aliases["uaf"] = ["CWE416"] aliases["stack-uaf"] = ["CWE562"] aliases["invalid-free"] = ["CWE590", "CWE761"] aliases["memory-error"] = list(chain(*aliases.values())) ret = set() for cwe in cwe_list: if re.match(r"^CWE\d+$", cwe): ret.add(cwe) elif re.match(r"^\d+$", cwe): ret.add(f"CWE{cwe}") elif cwe in aliases: for c in aliases[cwe]: ret.add(c) else: raise ValueError( "CWE must be in format 'CWE<number>' or one of" f" {','.join(aliases)}, not {cwe}" ) return list(ret) def is_fetched(self, ctx: Context) -> bool: return os.path.exists(self.zip_name) def fetch(self, ctx: Context) -> None: url = f"{self.zip_name}?download=1" download(ctx, url) def build( self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> None: for cwe in self.parse_cwe_list(ctx.args.cwe): self.build_cwe(ctx, instance, pool, cwe) def build_cwe( self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, pool: Optional[Pool], cwe: str ) -> None: bdir = Path(self.path(ctx)) srcrootdir = bdir / "src" os.makedirs(srcrootdir, exist_ok=True) testcasedir = srcrootdir / "C" / "testcases" incdir = srcrootdir / "C" / "testcasesupport" if not testcasedir.is_dir(): run(ctx, ["unzip", self.zip_name, "-d", str(srcrootdir)]) cwedirs = list(testcasedir.glob(f"{cwe}_*")) if not cwedirs: raise Exception(f"Could not find {cwe}") assert len(cwedirs) == 1 cwedir = cwedirs[0] objdir = bdir / "obj" / / cwe gooddir = objdir / "good" baddir = objdir / "bad" if objdir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(objdir) os.makedirs(gooddir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(baddir, exist_ok=True) # Some CWEs split their tests up in subdirs cwesrcdirs = [cwedir] if (cwedir / "s01").exists(): cwesrcdirs = list(cwedir.glob("s*")) assert len(cwesrcdirs) > 1 for cwesrcdir in cwesrcdirs: for testpath in chain(cwesrcdir.glob("*.c"), cwesrcdir.glob("*.cpp")): testname = testpath.stem m = re.match(r".*_(\d+)([a-z]|_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?", testname) if not m: continue variant = int( part = # Only run selected flow-variants (normally only 01) if variant not in ctx.args.variants: continue # Skip windows-only tests if "w32" in testname or "wchar_t" in testname: continue # Skip socket tests since we cannot run them (multi-program) if "socket" in testname: continue # Handle multi-file test-cases testfiles = [str(testpath)] if part: if part != "a": continue testname = testname[:-1] pattern = f"{testname}*{testpath.suffix}" testfiles = [str(f) for f in cwesrcdir.glob(pattern)]"building {testname}") goodbin = gooddir / testname badbin = baddir / testname # janky way to support 'cc' and 'cxx' with spaces cc, cc_args =, [] if " " in cc: cc, *cc_args = cc.split(" ") cxx, cxx_args = ctx.cxx, [] if " " in cxx: cxx, *cxx_args = cxx.split(" ") if testpath.suffix == ".c": compiler = [cc, *cc_args, *ctx.cflags] else: compiler = [cxx, *cxx_args, *ctx.cxxflags] compiler += ["-DINCLUDEMAIN"] compiler += ["-I", str(incdir)] testfiles += [str(incdir / "io.c")] cmd_good = [ *compiler, *testfiles, "-o", str(goodbin), "-DOMITBAD", *ctx.ldflags, ] cmd_bad = [ *compiler, *testfiles, "-o", str(badbin), "-DOMITGOOD", *ctx.ldflags, ] resdir = Path(ctx.paths.pool_results) outdir = resdir / "build" / / if "bad" not in testname: if pool: ctx, cmd_good, jobid=f"build-{testname}-good", outfile=f"{outdir}/{testname}-good", nnodes=1, ) else: run(ctx, cmd_good) if "good" not in testname: if pool: ctx, cmd_bad, jobid=f"build-{testname}-bad", outfile=f"{outdir}/{testname}-bad", nnodes=1, ) else: run(ctx, cmd_bad) def binary_paths(self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance) -> List[str]: paths = [] for cwe in self.parse_cwe_list(ctx.args.cwe): bdir = Path(self.path(ctx)) objdir = bdir / "obj" / / cwe gooddir = objdir / "good" for testpath in gooddir.iterdir(): paths.append(testpath) baddir = objdir / "bad" for testpath in baddir.iterdir(): paths.append(testpath) return [str(p) for p in paths] def run( self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, pool: Optional[Pool] = None ) -> None: for cwe in self.parse_cwe_list(ctx.args.cwe): self.run_cwe(ctx, instance, cwe) def run_cwe(self, ctx: Context, instance: Instance, cwe: str) -> None: bdir = Path(self.path(ctx)) objdir = bdir / "obj" / / cwe stdin = b"A" * 8 good_ok_cnt, good_total_cnt = 0, 0 gooddir = objdir / "good" for testpath in gooddir.iterdir(): testname = testpath.stem good_total_cnt += 1 proc = run( ctx, [str(testpath)], env=ctx.runenv, silent=True, allow_error=False, input=stdin, universal_newlines=False, ) if proc.returncode: ctx.log.error(f"GOOD {testname} returned error") else: good_ok_cnt += 1 bad_ok_cnt, bad_total_cnt = 0, 0 baddir = objdir / "bad" for testpath in baddir.iterdir(): testname = testpath.stem if "good" in testname: continue bad_total_cnt += 1 proc = run( ctx, [str(testpath)], env=ctx.runenv, silent=True, allow_error=True, input=stdin, universal_newlines=False, ) if ( self.mitigation_return_code is not None and self.mitigation_return_code != proc.returncode ): ctx.log.error( f"BAD {testname} did not return correct error: " f"returned {proc.returncode}, expected " f"{self.mitigation_return_code}" ) elif self.mitigation_return_code is None and not proc.returncode: ctx.log.error(f"BAD {testname} did not return error") else: bad_ok_cnt += 1"{cwe}: Passed {good_ok_cnt}/{good_total_cnt} GOOD tests")"{cwe}: Passed {bad_ok_cnt}/{bad_total_cnt} BAD tests")